Contact Kenneth A Grimm

Kenneth A. Grimm handles all messaging through the website group.

To open messaging to Kenneth A. Grimm:

  1. Register as a subscriber to the Kenneth A. Grimm websites
  2. Confirm Registration – You will have an email from Kenneth A Grimm <> in your Inbox
  3. (If not in your Inbox, check your SPAM folder)
  4. Click on the link provided in that email. (Or, in your browser, go to that URL address.)
  5. You will be informed that you are registered, and you will be provided with your login credentials, and a link to the login page.
  6. Login using the credentials provided.
  7. When you login, you will be automatically redirected to the Messaging Page

To see this page again, in the menu sidebar of any page, click on “Registration

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Using Messaging

The messaging page shows a list of your conversation threads.

To begin a new conversation thread:

  1. Click   +   (New Thread)
  2. You will be prompted for the username of whom you wish to converse, the subject, and the content of your first message in this thread.
  3. (The username of Kenneth A. Grimm is “kag“)  Type the full username, then the “Enter” key.
  4. (The username will become a grey box if correct.)
  5. Type a subject in the “Subject” box.
  6. Type your message in the “Message” box.
  7. Click “Send Message”.

Accessing the Kenneth A. Grimm family of websites while logged-in


Kenneth A Grimm